School doesn't always have to be boring - our educational films about the Middle Ages prove that. Shot at authentic medieval settings with a cinema film crew and strong actors, unusual little stories have sprung up, which are fun and stimulate thought and discussion in lessons and beyond.
Young Lukas is an apprentice of the market supervisor, who considers himself particularly clever and strict. Critically, he makes his walks around the market, without realizing what is happening behind his back. He has to settle a dispute over the bread-masses, or to exhort the fraudulent butter-merchant. When, however, he visits the quack, and tries one of his potions without permission, something inconceivable happens: He is swept through time, and awakens in the present.
- Format: Arriflex 16 SR on 16 mm Fuji Negativ
- Duration: 15 Minuten, Licht,- und Magnetton
- Copy: Geyer Werke München
- Michael Gahr, Tony Woolf, Volker Prechtl
- Marc Szackamer, Berivan Kaya, Norbert Wartha, Karin Wirtz
- Camera & Steadicam: Jörg Widmer
- Camera assistant: Martin Lorenz
- Sound: William Franck
- Sound assistant: Stefan Michalik
- Equipment: Matthias Kammermeier
- Baubühne: Harald Rüdiger
- Requisiste: Barabara Becker
- Innenrequisite: Isabel Zollner
- Costume: Barbara Oichl
- Costume assistant: Sybille von Pflug
- Make-Up: Elisabth Bitzer
- Lighting: Rainer Pichl
- Sound mixing: Rainer Ottenweller
- Editing: Agape Dorstewitz
- Casting: Esma Yilmaz
- Production: Dieter Horres
- Aufnahmeleitung: Katharina Zollner
- Fahrer: Rainer Horres
- Music: Christian Knobel
- Titel: Peter Rosenwanger
- Written & Directed: Mathias Allary
The biggest Online Film-School in Europe
Our most extensive project in education was founded in 1999 and has been growing ever since. To sum up what the Movie College is actually all about in one, two sentences, seems to be impossible. Just because so many different people favor so many individual ways of using this platform.
The fact is, that countless people have been introduced into the media sector through the movie-college, have regularly studied various subjects during their studies or training, and have been connected with other people interested in media through the various comunity paths.
- In the "Aktuell" section you will find news, information, critics on movies, festival,- and event reports, dates and more.
- In the "Filmschule" section you will find numerous chapters on all topics of the media in theory and practice
- "Community" is the place for exchange, for networking
- In the "Seminare & Workshops" section you will find offers from the Movie College for those areas where "hands-on" workshops or professionally supervised e-learning seminars allow for in-depth knowledge.
Developing creativity should not be a question of origin or great financial opportunities. The purpose of the Movie College is to provide all interested persons with knowledge about film, directing, screenplay and production as well as the related media. This also includes a large number of information, which are generally regarded by the production companies as confidential.
The Movie College was nominated several times for the highly regarded Adolf-Grimme Online Award. Its contents were quoted in numerous scientific papers, bachelor's and doctor's theses, and in various books, including some schoolbooks.
The most direct impression is certainly obtained when you visit the Movie College itself.
The fact that lessons do not always have to be dry is proven by our educational films on medieval themes. Filmed on authentic medieval locations with a cinematic team and strong actor-inside, unusual little stories have emerged that are fun and inspiring for reflection and discussion in the lessons and beyond.
Historical costumes and high-quality construction of historical rooms as backdrops provided the necessary look, the professional team from the cinema sector provided for strong pictures and credible medieval acoustics.
At the center of the film about the medieval guilds is a gold leaf beater workshop. The master Thomas leads the apprentice Jacob, how Blattgolf is beaten, a craft, which is still handled today just as it was in the Middle Ages. He also employs a journeyman, the master and the maid help with the operation.
Written & Directed: Björn Jensen
Assistant Director: Esma Yilmaz
Creative Supervisor: Mathias Allary
Camera & Steadicam: Jörg Widmer
Editing: Agape Dorstewitz
Sound: David Heinemann
Music: Hans Deimel
Jacob: Skotti Larcher
Meisterin: Karin Wirtz
Magd: Anna Steffens
Meister: Norbert Wartha
Geselle: Wolfram Rupperti
Meister Erhardt: Klaus Brückner
Sprecher: Thomas Kraus
Technical Data
Format: Arriflex 16 SR on 16 mm Fuji Negativ
Duration: 16 Minuten, Licht,- und Magnetton
Print: Geyer Werke München
Kopierwerk: Geyer Werke
Lichtton & Magnetton
Dass Unterricht nicht immer trocken sein muss, beweisen unsere Unterrichtsfilme zu Themen des Mittelalters. Gedreht an authentischen mittelalterlichen Schauplätzen mit einem Kino-Team und starken Schauspieler-innen, sind ungewöhnliche kleine Geschichten entstanden, die Spaß machen und zum Nachdenken und zur Diskussion in den Unterrichten und darüber hinaus anregen.
Der junge Lukas ist Lehrling beim Marktaufseher, der sich für besonders schlau und streng hält. Kritisch macht er mit ihm seine Rundgänge, ohne zu bemerken, was hinter seinem Rücken alles schiefläuft. Hier muss er einen Streit um die Brotmaße beilegen, dort den betrügerischen Butterhändler ermahnen. Als er jedoch den Quacksalber aufsucht und ohne zu fragen, einen Trank probiert, geschieht das Unfassbare,- er wird durch die Zeitdimension geschleust und erwacht in der Gegenwart.
Technische Details
- Gedreht ´mit Arriflex 16 SR auf 16 mm Fuji Negativ
- Dauer: 15 Minuten, Licht,- und Magnetton
- Kopierwerk: Geyer Werke München
- Michael Gahr, Tony Woolf, Volker Prechtl
- Marc Szackamer, Berivan Kaya, Norbert Wartha, Karin Wirtz
- Kamera & Steadicam: Jörg Widmer
- Kameraassistenz: Martin Lorenz
- Ton: William Franck
- Tonassistenz: Stefan Michalik
- Ausstattung: Matthias Kammermeier
- Baubühne: Harald Rüdiger
- Requisiste: Barabara Becker
- Innenrequisite: Isabel Zollner
- Kostüm: Barbara Oichl
- Kostümassistenz: Sybille von Pflug
- Maske: Elisabth Bitzer
- Beleuchter: Rainer Pichl
- Mischung: Rainer Ottenweller
- Schnitt: Agape Dorstewitz
- Casting: Esma Yilmaz
- Produktionsleitung: Dieter Horres
- Aufnahmeleitung: Katharina Zollner
- Fahrer: Rainer Horres
- Musik: Christian Knobel
- Titel: Peter Rosenwanger
- Buch: Mathias Allary
- Regie: Mathias Allary
School doesn't always have to be boring - our educational films about the Middle Ages prove that. Shot at authentic medieval settings with a cinema film crew and strong actors, unusual little stories have sprung up, which are fun and stimulate thought and discussion in lessons and beyond.
When Laudine, the mayor's daughter has reached the castle and payed her levies, she's able to explore the hidden areas of the inner castle. She's accompanied by the maid.
Technical Data
- Format: Arriflex 16 SR on 16 mm Fuji Negativ
- Duration: 15 Minuten, Licht,- und Magnetton
- Sarah Rüffler, Bettina Hauenschild, Susanne Bentzien,
- Heinz Rilling, Benjamin Reuter, Johanna Ziegel
- Camera & Steadicam: Jörg Widmer
- Camera assistant: Martin Lorenz
- Sound: William Franck
- Sound assistant: Stefan Michalik
- Equipment: Matthias Kammermeier
- Baubühne: Harald Rüdiger
- Props: Barabara Becker
- Innenrequisite: Isabel Zollner
- Costume: Barbara Oichl
- Costume assistant: Sybille von Pflug
- Make-Up: Elisabth Bitzer
- Lighting: Rainer Pichl
- Mixing: Rainer Ottenweller
- Editing: Agape Dorstewitz
- Production: Dieter Horres
- Aufnahmeleitung: Katharina Zollner
- Driver: Rainer Horres
- Music: Hans Deimel
- Written & Supervisor: Mathias Allary
- Director: Anton Rey