For the largest online film school in Europe, we produce high quality lectures, seminars and tutorials for the new "Academy" area. The academy is under construction, but below the surface are numerous learning modules completed. Our know-how in media knowledge transfer, which has been built up over decades, makes it possible to present even drier content in an interesting and visually appealing way. It is simply not enough for professors and lecturers to master the contents; they should also be able to convey them in an easily understandable way.
Among the major misunderstandings in the knowledge and knowledge transfer is the assumption that such videos are quick and easy to make. The opposite is the case, because only if they are high quality and pedagogically clearly produced, they fulfill their task and are also accepted by the learners. The decades of experience of Mathias Allary as a lecturer and professor of a state-approved film study course has made it possible to create educational videos based on the latest pedagogical and design findings.
Already in the 90s we started producing feature films, which always incorporated our cinema and documentary know - how. Our films about the Middle Ages, which were shown in the German schools, for the first time linked entertaining, humorous elements with historical facts and are still shown. The quality advantage could be seen and heard, even industrial companies have taken advantage of this exciting mix of educational and creative know-how in many ways and assigned Allary-Film with appropriate company-internal videos.
Whether classic film or highly immersive virtual reality videos in 8K resolution, we cover the entire range of media learning experiences and have the necessary expertise. Meaningful communication, eye-catching visualizations, self-explanatory animations and a high-quality look are core elements of the digital seminars, lectures and tutorials that we produce. Title graphics, subtitles and other visualizations support the image information and support the users in their learning experiences. The lower picture is a still picture from a lecture on color dramaturgy, here especially about the psychological mechanisms of action of the color red.