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One of the largest clinics in southern Germany should be introduced including the many specialist departments, the chef doctors, the shooting of various operations, medical examinations and patient anamnesis. Shooting for such a number of short films requires the utmost trust and empathy from the doctors and the patients. With a five-headed film crew, two HD cameras and lots of light, and sound equipment the clips were shot on site for a week.




To present the different departments and their various activities precise and positively, requires a wide range of visualisations. In addition, care, room quality but also the importance of the surrounding nature should be made noticeable in the clips.




To shoot movies, professionally illuminated with high quality-sound In the various highly sensitive areas of a clinic, requires fingertip sensitivity and high accuracy. For each of the numerous rotated operating rooms, the film team and equipment had to go through the strict disinfection routines over and over again, because patient safety is a priority here. No easy task for HD cameras, headlights and sound equipment. For shooting in special examination environments such as X-ray, CT, etc., special protective clothing for the team and intelligent light strategies are required.




The fact that the Klinikum commissioned short image films for almost all specialist departments and uses them on its homepage is a sign of great confidence and gives numerous patients the necessary insights into the different departments of the clinic.